Brand messaging and content strategy · Brand storytelling · Copywriting and copy editing · Powerful Words · Website content design and optimisation

What is the cost of (good) copy and content, and what is the value?

Time and time again I encounter people and potential clients, who seem to think that copy and content work should cost … well, very little. So, in today’s post I want to shed some light on word crafting and optimising rates – both, for fellow freelance writers and for clients – by contemplating on a… Continue reading What is the cost of (good) copy and content, and what is the value?

Copywriting and copy editing · Powerful Words · Website content design and optimisation

The difference between proofreading, editing and writing copy

Proofreading, editing and copywriting are activities that often get confused, hence terms that often get used interchangeably, so to help you determine which level of copy and content checking, fixing and crafting is right for your project, here’s an overview. Proofreading Proofreading is the quality assurance of the final draft, or the proof, of a… Continue reading The difference between proofreading, editing and writing copy

Brand storytelling · Powerful Words

Helping changemakers, I can be a changemaker

Recognising the power of words and ‘remembering’, as I often like to put it, my talent to craft powerful words has been without doubt one of my most pivotal moments, not least as I pivoted my career – from digital project and change management to content strategy and copywriting; from employment to self-employment; and from… Continue reading Helping changemakers, I can be a changemaker